This morning, I heard a bird crash into my sliding glass door right across from the bird feeder. Going out to investigate, I came upon a little purple finch on its back, unbreathing, beautiful and yet suddenly vacant. The sunflower seed it had risked its life for was still wedged in its beak. Poor little scrap of a thing. I picked it up and cradled it in my hand for a while. Its body was still warm, and I suppose I fancied that given the warmth of my hand, of my own life, somehow, a miracle might happen and it would start breathing again. But it didn't. I laid it between the wilted flowers in my window box on this cold autumnal day with the first of the snow on the ground.
I am given to drama. I spend my life making up stories. And it may seem a stretch from a dead purple finch to the aftermath of an American election. The sunflower seed, the promise of food on a barren day in November, might equivocate to the promise we saw of a tide-turn from global politics, the rule of crazy men to something softer, more caring and inclusive, more womanly. I am far from alone in this, but something died in me as those election results came in and the horror of what was unfolding became apparent. The arc of justice that had seemed to be bending at last in the right direction, suddenly let go with a ping and doubled back on itself, the sound of sardonic laughter in its wake. Things had seemed so hopeful of stopping the trajectory of a serial monster and bringing him at last to account, of handing over the reins to a prosecutor, of all serenipitous things. There she stood, lady liberty, a woman whose career had been marked by concern for the disadvantaged. Now everyone of us is at a disadvantage. Even those who are currently dancing in the streets will turn more sombre when the reality of what they have wreaked dawns up on them.
The only redeemable quality you can credit the oncoming Drumf administration with, is that they warned us. All the xenophobia, misogyny, recklessness was painted on their banners. They warned there would be hardship before they rebuilt the economy they so gleefully talk now about collapsing. "We are not going back." in one afternoon became a tiny echo in the footsteps of those who are now rewriting all the road signs. Back, they say. No through road. Get back!
God knows America needed to change, and perhaps there might be some teeny glimmer of something in that knowledge. The USA currently stands number 29 in the global index of democracies. Americans can tout their Land of the Free ideology all day, the "Greatest democracy there has ever been." But then America has always had a hard time admitting what is so about itself. As the global index indicates, America is barely a democracy at all. The concept of "one person, one vote" doesn't enter into its constitution. The Electoral College made this country ripe for exploitation, for gerrymandering, for the rule of the minority. And that is what was handed to its citizens on November 5th 2024. Served up like a twisted Thanksgiving prayer on a stinking trash bin lid.
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